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EXLER.RU: [Блог] English Language Etiquette for Russians
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web-архив: авторские рассылки » EXLER.RU » авторский блог » это письмо

рубрика : Интернет [http://exler.ru/blog/tags/8]

Для изучающих английских язык очень рекомендую блог журналиста Ian Mitchell [http://www.blogger.com/profile/05199914038770927077] - English Language Etiquette for Russians [http://www.blogger.com/profile/05199914038770927077] . Я Яна лично знаю - он мужик очень остроумный и пишет отлично.Вот этот текст стоит в заголовке его блога.A question I have asked myself a thousand times about Russia is: why can it be so difficult dealing with people I like so much? I have come to the conclusion that this is a problem of mutual misunderstanding due to asymetrical thinking. This is a result of our languages having a different logic and etiquette. Moscow's main publisher of contemporary Russian literature in English once said to me: "There is no such thing as the 'mysterious Russian soul', only bad translation." I have come to agree with her, and hope that the observations in this blog, unsystematic though they are, will help Russians learn to express themselves in ways which are truer to their real nature. It may also help some Westerners be more understanding of their difficulties since our limited knowledge tends to make us under-estimate the differences. A Scandinavian academic once said, "The main problem with the Russians is that they look like us." Finally, I hope this blog will, from time to time, amuse both sorts of person, since one thing we do have in common is a sense of humour.

web-архив: авторские рассылки » EXLER.RU » авторский блог » это письмо

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